Prototype Version 0.1.1

Hello everyone! After the game jam I have decided to continue with the dev of Penumbra. I really like the prototype version so here is the first update ^^ Thanks all for play and give some feedback and reviews 😊 

Prototype version 0.1.1

Description items revision to fix texts.

Softlock fix when you got 0 stamina or enemy hasn't enougth strength to deal damage.

Change to armor. Now is a percent damage reduction. Now the armor number is a scale factor to generate a reduction percent of the damage.

Stamina buff at level 0, from 25 to 30. 

Stamina is not necessary now in combat.

Improve in cubemaps movement, now is a little faster.

Improves in combat system, now attacks are faster and animations are shorter.

Changes in level up and treasures, now when you level up or choose a treasure a panel appears with 3 random options to select your prefer stat or item. Same for level with the stats.

New elements loot animation to give more feedback to player.

Changes on how tutorial works, now will be less panels at early and will be more playable. Now starts with a starter treasure.

Eclipse button now is on the bottom of the panel.

Code optimization and refactored.

New font version of Penumbra to be more readable.

New design in the UI game.

Revision of cubemaps rotation to check that works as is define.

Choosen color changed.

Pause button in WebGL version triggers exit from full screen, now P key can be use too.

Enter Time from Main Menu reduced, from 15 seconds to 5.

Change lights to be the same when camera it's rotating.

Changes to exp. The experience required scales with level. Starter required now is 36 points but enemies give more exp too.

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